Friday 10 May 2013

Wild Nature Tarot Indiegogo address

The url for my Wild Nature Tarot Indiegogo campaign is

Wild Nature Tarot Indiegogo

  My latest venture with my Wild Nature Tarot is the creation of an Indiegogo campaign site designed to help raise funding so I can devote more time to the completion of my deck.
 It's the first time I'm trying to raise money using a public forum.This aspect of creation is one I find the most challenging,as my comfort zone has always been purely working my art into the refined finished canvasses.

 This experience has given me a small glimpse of the additional steps needed by all artists and entrepeneurs to help the process of putting something out there,as well as earning income from one's inspired efforts.

I hope my Wild Nature Tarot Indiegogo campaign will be enjoyed by all visitors to the site-and may fans of my creations be both generous and encouraging!
I look forward to continuing  my fabulous journey of self-expression and would love to see my completed deck printed and enjoyed by many.